Sustainable Investment 4.0 – ASSE VI – Investment Priority 13i – Action RA3.1
(Decree of the Minister of Economic Development February 10, 2022 | Directorial Decree April 12, 2022).
Sustainable Investments 4.0 (Decree of the Minister of Economic Development February 10, 2022 | Directorial Decree April 12, 2022) – Protocol IS0108713.
Contribution : €344,863.75
Officine Zorzo Ltd. also thanks to the facilitation of the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy has managed to increase its production capacity by investing in technologically advanced and energy-efficient capital goods.
The company has invested in two horizontal machining centers mod. NHM8000 with “DN Solutions” automatic pallet changer and Fanuc 31i-B CNC, which can satisfactorily meet the growth of demands for milled products from customers.
The purchased machinery meets Industry 4.0 technological requirements and enables Officine Zorzo to equip itself with energy-efficient assets for the purpose of greater environmental protection and a lower impact on energy costs thanks to the “ECO-MODE” system for automatic motor standby.

The two machines consist of features capable of performing milling operations of different types and sizes, boast an integrated preventive maintenance system and Dual Check Safety function. They are equipped with 3D Interference Check collision control, dynamic compensation functions to ensure maximum accuracy. They perform high-speed milling supported by the APC system, and iHMI touchscreen interfaces for flexible and intuitive operation.
Through the support obtained with the support of the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy with the “REACT – EU” resources allocated to Priority Axis VI of the National Operational Program (NOP) “Enterprise and Competitiveness” 2014-2020, the investments made were able to benefit from a public contribution amounting to
€ 344.863,75.

“Funded as part of the Union’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.”
POR 2014/2020 – Ob. “Investment for growth and employment.”
DGR 1010 of 12/07/2019 – For an organized and conscious enterprise. Tools to foster competitiveness and professional growth.
Approved by Decree no. 9 of 03/01/2020

DGR no. 1510 of 02/11/2021 – Action 3.1.1 “Call for grants aimed at competitive repositioning of SMEs, investment support and promotion of digitalization and circular economy models.”
DGR no. 1510 of 02/11/2021 – Action 3.1.1
“Call for grants aimed at competitive repositioning of SMEs, investment support and promotion of digitalization and circular economy models.”
Public contribution: € 44,964.45

With this project, Officine Zorzo srl intended to continue its policy of growth and increase in production capacity (more than 20 percent) by investing in:
● A new DOOSAN machining center and moving column mod. VCF5500L with Fanuc i-Plus iHMI CNC, replacing an older CNC, which enables deeper milling and de-milling than hitherto performed, saving considerable time.
The benefits that the company could immediately see were:
– The optimization of processing on manufactured components;
– The optimization of processing timelines;
– a substantial energy saving, thanks in part to the “ECO-MODE” system for automatic standby of motors and self-selection of compressed air supply lines with lubricant-coolant pumping, chip removal and LED lamps for lighting the work area.
Moreover, the machinery, having been interconnected with the production management system, fully meets the requirements of “Industry 4.0” by improving the entire operation flow.

● Two twin-beam sheet metal box gantries, with attached installation and equipment for their operation and commissioning, one 16-ton and one 25-ton that will contribute in the improvement of heavy material handling.
The main innovation in the field of weightlifting is the software system that communicates data directly to technicians in order to have the useful and necessary information for the workflow. These assets also fall under Industry 4.0.

Through the support obtained with the support of the Veneto Region through DGR 1510/2021, the investments made benefited from a public contribution of € 44,964.45.
POR 2014/2020 – Ob. “Investment for growth and employment.”
DGR 1010 of 12/07/2019 – For an organized and conscious enterprise. Tools to foster competitiveness and professional growth.
Approved by Decree no. 9 of 03/01/2020
Code: 6916-0001-1010-2019
Title: Lean Transformation in Officine Zorzo Srl to improve business productivity
Contribution: €45,520.00
This initiative was created with the aim of implementing a training course to acquire the skills necessary for the use of new technical tools and working methodologies, which are essential to ensure growth in terms of process/product innovation and thus competitiveness in the target market.
The project consists of a series of training interventions aimed at:
– Improve business performance by maximizing the efficiency of production resources;
– Streamline business processes to optimize and save money;
– Increase the competitive advantage of the enterprise, including through the identification of development strategies;
– Increase business efficiency through the development of new human resource skills.
Operations process assessment, 44 hours
Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) – analysis aimed at the organization, 28 hours
Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) – analysis aimed at production, 28 hours
Innovative and ISO-compliant document management, 32 hours
Lean organization and ability to compete in the global marketplace, 42 hours
Key performance indicators (KPIs) and Key Performance Objectives (KPOs), 42 hours
Development of soft and hybrid skills, 24 hours
Individual coaching for professional and human growth, 16 hours, 4 editions
Corporate strategy and new business models, 24 hours
Business Modell Workshop in Officine Zorzo, workshop 4 hours

Target audience:
Business owners
Operations managers
Sales area managers
Production area employees
Purchasing clerks
Workers in the production sectors

POR ERDF Action 1.1.2 – “Support for the purchase of services for innovation.
technological, strategic, organizational and commercial enterprises.”
Within a broader path of business innovation, this project proposal aimed to seize the opportunities offered by technological developments in terms of production efficiency, proceeding with an infrastructural and functional analysis of the entire company, to measure its operational efficiency and the most suitable path for the implementation of a Manufacturing Execution System (MES) software that would integrate according to a streamlined approach business processes and enable information interchange.

The conclusion of the project has enabled the company to hit its goals of increased productivity, which will contribute in making the company even more competitive in the global market.
Thanks to the support of the Veneto Region, which with the POR FESR 2014-2020 fund was able to support this project by allocating a contribution of €5,400.00, Officine Zorzo S.r.l. benefited from the financial support that enabled the rapid achievement of the project objectives.
ROP ERDF 2014-2020 Action 3.1.1 – “Aid for investment in machinery, equipment and intangible assets, and accompaniment of business reorganization and restructuring processes – Manufacturing Sector.”
Officine Zorzo S.r.l. specializes in precision machining and mechanical construction ranging from small to large. Founded in 1977 as a small business dedicated to milling and machining, over time the business has expanded to medium-heavy carpentry. The company supplies finished products to drawings, complete with any heat treatments, galvanic treatments, painting and assemblies, as well as nondestructive testing and dimensional inspection.
In order to meet the demands of the increasingly demanding end customer, who demands speed in order management and ever greater precision in processing, the company has embarked on a path aimed at introducing innovative production processes through the purchase and insertion of technologically innovative machinery into the production line. This path also seizes the opportunity offered by technological developments in terms of operational cost savings, increased workplace safety and improved environmental performance.
The asset covered by this project proposal is a MOBILE MOUNTING MILLING MACHINE equipped with several heads for milling and turning, complete with the automatic head replacement system and with a longitudinal stroke of up to 30 meters. The machine is numerical control (CNC) and is complete with the “4.0 package,” a system integrated into the machinery that allows the milling machine to be interconnected with external systems and monitored in real time, so that it has the features provided by the so-called “Industry 4.0” model
The new machinery will perform milling and turning operations simultaneously, significantly reducing work time, increasing the quality of the machined product, and allowing in-house machining of elements up to 30 meters. The advanced technologies available in the plant will enable the company to meet its goals of increased productivity, greater customization of the finished product, energy savings, as well as greater safety in the workplace.
Thanks to the support of the Veneto Region, which with the POR FESR 2014-2020 fund was able to support this project by allocating a contribution of € 145,807.47, Officine Zorzo S.r.l. benefited from the financial support that enabled the rapid achievement of the project objectives.