A leading company since 1977
After gaining twenty years’ of experience working in Italian companies and in particular in the German company “Gildemaister” he decided to begin his “adventure” as an entrepreneur by purchasing a small traditional milling machine.
Metalwork and metal machining
Officine Zorzo srl constantly innovates and invests in new technologies so that it can always be competitive and at the cutting-edge in both national and international markets.
Quality customer services
Officine Zorzo srl has always sought new technologies and solutions to enhance product quality, and meet the needs of increasingly demanding customers.

Sustainable investments 4.0 (Decree of the Minister of Economic Development 10 February 2022 | Directorial Decree 12 April 2022) “Funded as part of the Union’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic”.
DGR n. 1510 of 02/11/2021 – Action 3.1.1 – “Call for the provision of contributions aimed at the competitive repositioning of SMEs, supporting investments and promoting digitalisation and circular economy models”.
POR 2014/2020 – Ob. “Investments for growth and employment”
DGR 1010 of 12/07/2019 – For an organized and aware company. Tools to promote competitiveness and professional growth.
POR FESR 2014-2020 Action 3.1.1 – “Aid for investments in machinery, plants and intangible assets, and support for corporate reorganization and restructuring processes – Manufacturing Sector.”
POR FESR Action 1.1.2 – “Support for the purchase of innovation services
technological, strategic, organizational and commercial nature of companies”.
is specialized in mechanical manufacturing and construction and supplies a vast range of products ranging from small to large precision manufacturing and construction.